

We are pleased to announce that the Hungarian Chemical Industry Association will once again organize its traditional conference, the MAVESZ Chemical Logistics Conference. The conference will be held on April 10, 2025, at the Aquaworld Hotel and Resort in Budapest (1044 Budapest, Íves út 16.)

Our program consists of two parts:

1. In the first part, we will report on the changes in ADR, as is tradition. In addition, we will get an idea of ​​how an international company is trying to meet current challenges, and we will learn about e-CMR as a new milestone in the digitalization of freight transport.

2. In the second part, we will explore the challenges facing dangerous goods logistics in the form of a roundtable discussion. In the final part, participants will hear presentations on international waste transport, changes in European regulators and frameworks, and the most important issues in battery industry logistics.

We invite and welcome company managers and practitioners from various fields to current, informative, and professionally high-quality presentations.

You can register electronically at this link.

The conference program can be found here.

Application deadline: March 28, 2025

Participation fee (for the conference and the following lunch): 55,000 HUF/person + VAT

We offer a 15% discount for up to 2 people for MAVESZ and trade association (MAFEOSZ) member companies, i.e. the participation fee is: 46,750 HUF/person + VAT

Venue: Aquaworld Hotel and Resort (1044 Budapest, Íves út 16.)

Parking and other information will be provided to applicants 1 week before the conference.

Conference Sponsor:

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