Our members

Agro-Chemie Ltd.

1225 Budapest,
Bányalég Street 47-59.

Manufacture of agricultural chemical products, organic chemical raw materials production

Agrokémia Sellye Zrt.

7960 Sellye,
Sósvertikei Street 1.
Tel.: +36 73 480 057

Production of crop protection agents, antifreeze coolants, and windshield washer fluids.

AgroterM Ltd.

8182 Berhida (Peremarton Industrial Park), Plot 06/116.
Tel.: +36 88 455 069

Production of crop protection agents, organic and inorganic chemical substances.

Baltrans Freight Transport Ltd.

2440 Százhalombatta,
Asztalos Street 4.
Tel.: +36 23 540 620

Road transportation of chemical products.

BASF Hungary Ltd.

1133 Budapest Váci Road 96-98.
Tel.: +36 1 250 9700

Trading of chemical substances and products.

BC-KC Formalin Ltd.

3700 Kazincbarcika,
Bolyai Square 1.
Tel.: +36 48 511 304

Formaldehyde production.

Bige Holding Commercial and Manufacturing Ltd.

5000 Szolnok,
Tószegi Road 51.
Tel.: +36 56 505 800

Production of compacted fertilizers, sulfuric acid and sulfuric acid derivatives, cryolite, and silica.

Birla Carbon Hungary Ltd.

3581 Tiszaújváros (TVK Ipartelep) hrsz. 2052.
Tel: +36 49 544 000, +36 49 544 010

Manufacturer and supplier of carbon black additives

BorsodChem Zrt.

3700 Kazincbarcika,
Bolyai Square 1.
Tel.: +36 48 511 211

Manufacturing of PVC and isocyanate products, chemical raw materials, chlorine-alkali, and specialized chemical substances.

Brenntag Hungária Trading Ltd.

1225 Budapest, Bányalég Street 45.
Tel.: +36 1 889 5100

Distribution of chemical substances and products.


2049 Diósd,
Homokbánya Street 77.
Tel.: +36 1 464 9300

Manufacturing of cosmetics, disinfectants, cleaning and personal care products.

Charles River Laboratories Hungary Ltd.

8200 Veszprém, Szabadságpuszta Plot 028/1.
Tel.: +36 88 545 300

Laboratory services.


8182 Berhida, Peremarton Industrial Park Plot 06/75.
Tel.: +36 20 459 6996

Manufacturing and packaging of crop protection agents.

ChemVeSol Ltd.  

1025 Budapest,
Mandula Street 26/A.
Tel.: +36 1 316 9120

Industrial and residential water treatment, analysis, and consulting.


1201 Budapest,
Alsóteleki Street 46. Ground Floor 1.
Tel.: +36 1 284 3807

Wholesale of chemical products, production of special chemical products, engineering, technical consulting.


2040 Budaörs, Street 2.
Tel.: +36 23 431 660

Distribution of refrigerants, heat transfer fluids, industrial cleaning agents, and solder pastes.

CNI Printing and Packaging Ltd.

3580 Tiszaújváros,
Plot 2092/3. 
Tel.: +36 49 527 024

Manufacturing of printing inks and products, solvents, and road markings.

CSC Jäklekémia Hungária Ltd.

8111 Seregélyes, János major Plot 025/58/A.
Tel.: +36 1 777 0856

Wholesale of chemical substances and products.

DACHSER Hungary Ltd.

2085 Pilisvörösvár,
Industrial Park Street 1.
Tel.: +36 26 532 000

Storage and road transportation of chemical substances, dangerous goods and other chemical products

Donauchem Chemical Trading Ltd.

1225 Budapest,
Bányalég Street 37-43.
Tel.: +36 1 207 8000

Distribution of chemical substances and products.

DOW Hungary Chemicals Ltd.

1132 Budapest
Váci Road 22-24. 7th Floor.
Tel.: +36 1 808 9437

Wholesale of chemical substances and products.

Dunastyr Polystyrene Manufacturing Zrt.

1023 Budapest, Árpád fejedelem Road 26-28.
Tel.: +36 1 345 7171

Manufacturing of polystyrene products.

Dynea Hungary Ltd.

3700 Kazincbarcika, Bólyai Square 1.
Tel.: +36 48 510 281

Production of urea-formaldehyde resins.


3581 Tiszaújváros, TVK Industrial Park
Tel.: +36 49 544 330

Transportation, collection, trading, pretreatment and thermal disposal of hazardous and non-hazardous waste, heat utilization.

ÉMK North Hungarian Environmental Protection Ltd.

3792 Sajóbábony, Industrial Park Plot 024/143
Tel.: +36 46 549 150

Hazardous waste handling and disposal.

Paint Industry Research and Development and Entrepreneurship Ltd.

1108 Budapest,
Venyige Street 3.
Tel.: +36 1 432 8831

Paint manufacturing, expertise in the paint industry.

Framochem Ltd.

3700 Kazincbarcika,
Szerviz Street 5.
Tel.: +36 48 311 991   

Manufacturing of phosgene and phosgene-based fine chemical products.

Győri Distillery and Refinery Zrt.

9027 Győr, Budai Road 7/a.
Tel.: +36 96 503 700

Production of ethyl-alcohol and dehydrated alcohol.

Holland Colours Hungária Ltd.

5000 Szolnok,
Déri Miksa Boulevard 2.
Tel.: +36 56 420 644

Manufacturing of pigments and pigment preparations.

Hungária Hazardous Goods Engineering Office Ltd.

1184 Budapest, Thököly Road 24.
Tel.: +36 1 285 5416

Logistical consultancy and education for dangerous goods.

HUNTSMAN Corporation Hungary Zrt.

8105 Pétfürdő, Industrial Park Plot 2387/7.
Tel.: +36 88 546 108, +36 88 546 100

Manufacturing of organic chemical products.

IMSYS Engineering Service Ltd.

1033 Budapest,
Mozaik Street 14/A.
Tel.: +36 1 430 0014

Engineering activities and technical consulting.

Interauditor Consulting Ltd.

1074 Budapest, Vörösmarty Street 16-18. Building A, Ground Floor 1F.
Tel.: +36 1 790 7510

Domestic and international auditing.

Kovács and Partners Trading Ltd.

1118 Budapest
Pannonhalmi Road 57.
Tel.: +36 1 358 1497

Distribution of chemical products.

Magyar Kémikusok Egyesülete (Association of Hungarian Chemists)

1106 Budapest, Fehér Road 10 1st Floor 10. (White Office)
Tel.: +36 20 212 5664

An organization for those interested in chemistry and chemical industry, based on voluntary and individual activities.

Magyar Műszaki és Közlekedési Múzeum Vegyészeti Múzeuma (Museum of Chemistry at the Hungarian Museum of Transport and Technology)

8100 Várpalota, Thury Castle, Hunyadi Mátyás square 1.
Tel.: +36 30 822 3465

Preservation and care of Hungarian chemical engineering heritage.

Magyar Tartálytisztítók Szövetsége (Association of Hungarian Tank Cleaners)

1027 Budapest, Horváth Street 14-24, 4th Floor.
Tel.: +36 30 324 2262 tartaly.hu@gmail.com

A professional representative organization for tank cleaning, and national association of international organization EFTCO in Hungary.

MATERIÁL Chemical Industry Cooperative

1239  Budapest, Ócsai Road 10.
Tel.: +36 1 286 0363

Production of industrial intermediates and consumer chemical products.

MOLAR Chemicals Ltd.

2314 Halásztelek, Árpád Street 1.
Tel.: +36 24 527 100

Wholesale of chemical products.

MOL Petrolkémia Zrt.

3581 Tiszaújváros, TVK Industrial Park Plot 2119/3.
Tel.: +36 49 522 222

Production of olefins, polyolefins, and butadiene.

NATURLAND Hungary Ltd.

1106 Budapest,
Csillagvirág Street 8.
Tel.: +36 1 431 2000

Production of cosmetic and medicinal products, essential oils.

Nitrogénművek Zrt.

8105 Pétfürdõ, Hõsök  Square 14.
Tel.: +36 88 620 100

Production and distribution of nitrogen-based fertilizers.

Nordmann, Rassmann Hungary Trading Ltd.

1139 Budapest,
Váci Road 91/A, 2nd Floor.
Tel.: +36 1 462 0084

Wholesale of chemical substances and products.

NOVOCHEM Trading and Service Ltd .

1089 Budapest, Orczy Road 6.
Tel.: +36 1 210 1200

Distribution of chemical substances and products.

Nógrádi Chemical Industry Zrt.

2657 Tolmács,
Arany János Street 2.
Tel.: +36 35 350 511

Production of solvents, printing inks and auxiliaries, windshield washer and antifreeze fluids.

Orbico Hungary Ltd.

1134 Budapest, Váci Road 23-27. 8th Floor
Tel.: +36 1 577 2500     

Wholesale of chemical products.


9700 Szombathely,
Puskás Tivadar Street 6.
Tel.: +36 94 522 500

Production of preformed plastic packaging materials.

PROFES Environmental Safety Program Office Ltd.

1042 Budapest,
Árpád Road 21, 1st Floor 4.
Tel: +36 1 369 4031

Environmental safety planning, expertise, and consulting.

RB Audit Organization Ltd.

1152 Budapest, Szentmihályi Road 167-169,(F414H01)
Tel: +36 70 336 5252

Special inspections and reviews related to potentially explosive workplaces, ensuring compliance with regulations and standards.

 Richter Gedeon Pharmaceutical Works Nyrt.

1103 Budapest,
Gyömrői Road 19-21.
Tel.: +36 1 431 4000

Manufacturing of pharmaceutical products and active ingredients.

Soneas Chemical Industry Ltd.

1225 Budapest,
Bányalég Street 47-59.
Tel.: +36 1 347 5060, +36 1 424 1111

Manufacturing of active pharmaceutical ingredients.

SPL Europe Ltd.

3792 Sajóbábony, Industrial Park Plot 024/217.

Production of crop protection agents and active substances for crop protection agents.

SUPERZ Perfume Ltd.

1055 Budapest,
Kossuth Lajos Square 13-15.
3rd Floor 2/A
Tel.:+36 30 242 2457

Production of personal care products and perfume

 Vegyészmérnökök Integrált Egyesülete (Association of Chemical Engineers)

4034 Debrecen,
Csongor Street 6.
Tel.: +36 30 962 7017

Professional scientific organization for chemical engineers.

Chemical Industry Planning and Contracting Zrt.

1033 Budapest,
Kórház Street 6-12, 4th Floor.
Tel.: +36 1 367 2931

Engineering services for the chemical industry.

Vetraforce Ltd.

1151 Budapest,
 Mogyoród Road 42.
Tel.: +36 1 858 7047

Chemical technology pipe installation.


2537 Nyergesújfalu,
Varga József Square 1.
Tel.: +36 33 536 000

Carbon fiber production.

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