Signing Ceremony of the Responsible Care Programme Declaration


Our companies’ commitment to sustainable and safe operations

It is increasingly important for chemical companies to establish and maintain responsible business
practices. That is why the Responsible Care Program was established in 1985 by the National
Chemical Industry Association of Canada, which developed the Principles of Responsible Care. Shortly
afterwards, the European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC) adopted the programme with the aim of
putting it into practice across Europe through the chemical industry associations in each country.
In Hungary, MAVESZ and its member companies have been involved in the programme since the
early 1990s, and currently 17 chemical producers and distributors with significant hazardous goods
storage capacity are participating.
In 2023, the leaders of these companies solemnly renewed their commitment and signed the
Responsible Care Declaration.


Márton Nick, Regional Sales Manager, Home Care, I&I and Industrial Formulators signs Responsible
Care Declaration

Borsodchem Zrt.

Tibor Klement, Senior Consultant signs the Responsible Care Declaration

BIGE Holding Kft.

Pál Szőke, Managing Director signs the Responsible Care Declaration


András Szakolczai, Managing Director signs the Responsible Care Declaration


Tamás Varga, Managing Director signs the Responsible Care Declaration

Framochem Kft.

Tamás Vörös, Managing Director signs the Responsible Care Declaration

Hungária Veszélyesáru Mérnöki iroda Kft.

György Sárosi, Managing Director signs the Responsible Care Declaration

SPL Europe Kft. (korábban: Kischemicals)

Dr. József Lakatos, Managing Director signs the Responsible Care Declaration

MOL Petrolkémia Zrt.

Péter Császár, CEO signs the Responsible Care Declaration

Nógrádi Vegyipari Zrt.

Imre Kovács, Managing Director signs the Responsible Care Declaration

Nordmann, Rassmann Hungaria Kft.

Ágnes Földi, Managing Director signs the Responsible Care Declaration

Zoltek Zrt.

Gábor Németh, Deputy General Manager Engineering and Maintenance signs Responsible Care Declaration

The Responsible Care Program is an organisation-wide commitment to sustainability and social
responsibility. This statement is not just a promise on paper, but a life-long commitment that
involves all employees, managers and departments of the company. It also means that sustainability
and corporate social responsibility will not just be an element of the company’s strategy, but will
become part of the whole corporate culture. They will actively participate in promoting positive
change: setting an example for others and inspiring other organisations and companies to follow the
path of sustainability. This commitment will have a long-term impact on us and on our environment.
The signing ceremony means that our companies are not only economic players, but also active
participants in building a responsible and sustainable future.

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