We are saddened to learn that László Szalay, former CEO of Tiszamenti Vegyiművek (Szolnok), founding member and former vice-president of MAVESZ, a prominent figure of the Hungarian chemical industry, has passed away at his age of 90.
Born in 1933, he graduated as a chemical engineer at Veszprém University of Chemical Industry in 1956. After completing his studies, he worked at Tiszamenti Vegyiművek, where he held positions as shift supervisor, technologist, head of production department, chief engineer, finally was appointed CEO of the company in 1979. In addition to his work, he graduated at University of Economics with a degree in economics. He held the CEO position of Tiszamenti Vegyiművek until his retirement in 1997.
During his career, he received several awards, including Eötvös Loránd Prize for the introduction of thermo-spraying detergent production process and Tomi detergent family.
From the foundation of MAVESZ until his retirement, he was a member of the Association’s Board, where he also held the position of Vice President for a number of years. At the time of its fundation, he also served for a time as a delegate of MAVESZ as co-chairman of the National Association of Hungarian Employers. On the 20th anniversary of its foundation, MAVESZ awarded him the medal “FOR THE HUNGARIAN CHEMICAL INDUSTRY OF THE 21st CENTURY”.
His post-cremation funeral will take place on 29 January 2024 at 12 noon at the New Cemetery in Balatonföldvár.
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