At the MAVESZ conference on professional youth we announced for the first time the plans for a project competition to be organised jointly by MAVESZ and the Szabó Szabolcs Foundation. The competition will be held for the first time in the academic year 2024-25, and the first national final will be hosted by the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering of the BME in April-May 2025.
The competition cannot take place without the professional and financial contribution of the profession and its member companies. The professional contribution will take two forms: mentoring of the teams by a company expert during the project preparation and support in the preparation for the final, and participation in the jury, where the final projects will be evaluated. The organisers are looking to the (member) companies to provide the financial resources needed to run the competition (covering prizes; accommodation, travel and meal costs for the finalist teams; costs of organising the competition), in return for the opportunity to participate in the jury and media coverage of the competition.
Please note that there is no name for the competition yet, so we are waiting for suggestions for the name of the competition until 31 May 2024, either through the MAVESZ or the Szabolcs Szabó Foundation website.
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