
Outsourced logistics: the secret of competitive advantage in the chemical industry

Is logistics just a cost in the life of companies that does not contribute to profits? DACHSER Chem Logistics can prove that this assumption is not true. Outsourcing logistics and related tasks can be a particularly competitive advantage in the chemical industry.


The European Responsible Care® Awards 2024

Showcase your organisation’s efforts to support the key themes of the Antwerp Declaration for the European Industrial Deal; building a competitive, resilient and sustainable future.

munkavédelmi kisokos

Occupational Safety Guide

The Hungarian Occupational Safety Academy – Association for Safety Culture Development (MMA), our partner provides a professional practical guide that is publicly accessible and as straightforward as possible to assist in standardizing and implementing rules and practices in Hungary. Detailed information can be found here.


Deloitte felmérés

This content is only available in Hungarian.


VG cikk a hazai vegyiparról

This content is only available in Hungarian.


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