Supporting professional training for prospective talents can be achieved through collaboration with the parties involved, both current and future partners. During the strategy development, three groups were identified.
Generating interest in the chemical industry (chemistry) cannot start too early. Therefore, MAVESZ’s goal is to be present at government-related professional forums where the curriculum, training, and qualification requirements for teaching chemistry and, more broadly, natural science subjects from primary education upwards are formulated. Collaborative partners in this area include government entities and ministries responsible for primary, secondary, and tertiary education. This also includes institutions that oversee vocational and professional education.
The next level of cooperation is education. MAVESZ traditionally has good relationships with universities where we award the Excellent Chemical Engineering Studies Award (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, University of Pannonia, University of Debrecen). However, it is essential to further expand university (University of Miskolc, universities such as ELTE, Szeged, Pécs). Establishing relationships with secondary educational institutions that make up a significant part of the chemical industry’s professional training base and natural science-focused high schools is also a key objective.
Various levels of education directly impact professional training of the chemical industry. An important partner group involves civil organizations actively involved in popularizing natural sciences, particularly chemistry. We have collaborated with some for a while, while with others, we have initiated cooperation in line with our strategy.
Our current active partners include:
Hungarian Chemical Society, Chemical Museum Foundation, Association of Chemical Engineers (of which we are a member), Hungarian Association for Natural Sciences, Szabolcs Szabó Memorial Foundation for Natural Science Education.
These organizations organize events, camps, competitions that promote chemistry, and, by extension, the chemical industry among students (and adults). In this context, our task is to strengthen our relationships, fill them with new content, and identify new partners.
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