
MAVESZ –Chemical Vocational Education Conference

On 26 March 2024, the Hungarian Association of Chemical Industry (MAVESZ) held its conference on “New skills and abilities in the future chemical industry”. This event was the third in a series. The theme of the conference was linked to the European Year of Skills.

Speakers at the conference included representatives from the government (Ministry of Culture and Innovation), educational institutions and member companies. There were also presentations by leading experts from the Institute for Balance and the Association of Digital Enterprises (IVSZ). For the first time in the history of professional training conferences, representatives of the international organisation of MAVESZ (ECEG – European Confederation of Employers) presented the results and the programme of projects in which MAVESZ has been/is involved at international level.

The two main topics of the conference were the challenges of the changing environment (climate neutrality, sustainable chemicals, circular economy) in education and training, and the changes and challenges of digitalisation and artificial intelligence. In both areas, participants were given an overview of the current state of Hungarian education in international comparison (PISA and DESI report results). The morning programme focused on the expected transformation of professional skills and competences and how to prepare for this in education and in enterprises. The afternoon programme focused on digitalisation and the rise of artificial intelligence. Speakers and invited guests discussed these topics in roundtable discussions, where conference participants actively contributed to the analysis of the issues.

The conference presentations are available:

Készségek, képességek a jövő vegyiparában – Szabó Csaba

Hogyan formálja az oktatási stratégiát változó világunk? – dr. Pálmai Gergely

Magyarország oktatási rendszere a nemzetközi mezőnyben – Boros Tamás

Az ECEG EU projektjeinek eredményei – Emma Argutyan

ChemSkills: a vegyipar zöld és digitális készségek terén történő átalakulásának lehetővé tétele – Anni Siltanen

MAVESZ- Szabó Szabolcs Alapítvány projektverseny meghirdetése – Dr. Murányi Zoltán

Digitális készségek, kompetenciák Magyarországon – a 2022-es DESI jelentés eredményei – Tajthy Krisztina

A mesterséges intelligencia szerepe a jövő gazdaságában – Dr. Kozák Ákos

SuperSmartLab – csúcstechnológia a kémia tanár- és vegyészképzésben – Dr. Tarczay György

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